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Premium 3D Body Scanning

Personal Fitness for the 21st Century

Hi there. We’re Quantum Leap (Associates, not the TV show). Based in Palm Beach County in southeastern Florida, we provide futuristic 3D body scanning services using state-of-the-art spatial modeling technology by Fit3D to allow bodybuilders, fitness gurus, and gym leaders to track, monitor, and manage progress in BMI, muscle density, fat composition, balance & posture habits, and much more in order to help clients work towards their health and fitness goals more quickly, efficiently, and intelligently than ever before.

Want proof? Here are just a few of the qualities that place our services a cut above the rest …


Count to 3 … Now enjoy the bountiful rewards of revolutionary personal fitness empowerment. You could even call it 3D scanning made so easy, a toddler could do it.


When you quantify your gains into a numerical dataset, subjective judgement transforms into an objective milestone, boosting your motivation, and supercharging your rate of return. That’s not just intel you can see, but intel you can use.


Each scan costs only $90; an incredible value for both the wealth of information gained for your present state, and the crucial education to achieve your future results, all from just one scan. It’s the science of fitness demystified, now available to everyone.

Ready, Set, Done

Got a minute? Our ultra-convenient scanning process can take as little as 60 seconds, consisting entirely of the following steps:

1 – Enter

Create a Fit3D account on our convenient POS system (or any other device) & then step onto our body scanner.

Fit3D Body Scanner - Quantum Leap Associates
3D Model of Body Scan - Quantum Leap Associates

2 – Scan

Login on the built-in tablet & take a quick 35-second scan. The measured data is then securely sent to your account in the Fit3D cloud for processing and archival.

3 – Review

Finally, comprehensive yet intuitive digital reports are made available from your Fit3D account within moments. As to what you can then do with this brand new, up-to-the-minute information … well, just imagine the possibilities.

Data Analytics Results of 3D Body Scan - Quantum Leap Associates

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 3D body scanning?

A revolutionary new technology used to help health nuts and fitness gurus achieve their fitness goals faster, smarter, and more efficiently than ever before. There are no lasers used in this scanner; instead, it uses a series of thermal imaging cameras. And no facial data is captured either (to maximize user privacy).

How do you get a 3D body scan?

Anyone can get a 3D body scan in just 3 easy steps …

Step 1: Schedule an appointment at a convenient location near you using our contact form below.

Step 2: Simply appear in-person at your chosen location on the scheduled date.

Step 3: Confirm your appointment with our associate, and then step onto the pedestal.

Step 4: … Actually, there is no step 4. It’s that easy.

What is the most accurate body scan?

Our Fit3D Full Body Scanner provides the most accurate set of metrics of your body, including:

  • Body Fat Percentage
  • Fat Mass vs Lean Mass
  • BSR (Body Shape Rating) to measure cardiovascular risks
  • Balance Assessment
  • BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
  • Circumference Measurements at 12 locations, accurate to within 0.1″ (chest, hips, biceps, etc).
  • Complete Posture Analysis
  • Body Composition results nearly identical to DEXA scan
  • 3D model of YOU, viewable from any angle

Once you have your 1st scan, you now have an accurate baseline. Then future scans will graph changes relative to this baseline. You will visually see the before & after results of your hard work!

How long does it take, and when do the results come in?

One scan takes as little as 60 seconds, and the results are sent to your phone and email within minutes.

How much does a body fat scanner cost? How much does a Fit3D scan cost?

One scanning machine costs tens of thousands of dollars and an immense investment of time. But one scan costs just $90, and is an investment into your personal fitness goals of immense value.

Are 3D body scans worth the money?

Even one scan can provide a wealth of both visual and analytical information to better manage your habits, lifestyle, and fitness routines. In other words, it’s the difference of walking in pitch darkness versus using a flashlight to find your way.

What is the difference between a DEXA scan and a 3D body scan?

DEXA scans offer only numerical reports of various categories, while 3D body scans using Fit3D technology provide intuitively-designed visual reviews of your current progress.

Schedule a Scan

Simply reach out to us describing when and where you’ll next be available to arrange a 3D body scan, and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

(We service the Tequesta, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and Wellington areas in the southeastern Florida region.)

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